
"Eating is incorporating a territory"


The restaurant

Our restaurant is located on the ground floor of the hotel and has approximately 80 seats.

We also provide service for outsiders with a fixed menu the same as the hotel, every day we offer two different first courses and two different second courses. Reservations are recommended.


The kitchen

Our strength is having simple and genuine cuisine, every day we offer you a choice between 2 or 3 different first and second courses, which vary between Aosta Valley or Italian dishes.


Ice cream, fruit, cheese

To end the meal, you have the choice at lunch between a good mixed ice cream, fresh seasonal fruit or an assortment of cheeses.


Dessert of the day

At dinner we offer you the dessert of the day, which is carefully prepared by our chef.


Selected products, km. zero

We carefully choose the products to use in our kitchen.

We use many zero-kilometer products, to ensure that you can find the connection with the territory in our dishes.